Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Fall Break- Makin' Smores

So, last night we built, ahem, David built a fire in our big backyard (we live in the country, don't worry) specifically so that we could roast marshmallows and make smores for the kids. As you can see in the first picture, it got a little hairy when the wind changed directions every so often and blew smoke and cinders at our faces. Here is poor Kelly shielding his eyes.
And here is Spencer, partaking of his gooey treat.

And Adria, getting ready to roast "just one more" marshmallow. And yes, I am pregnant so I had to eat smores for 2. It was very yummy. And I don't think I have tasted a smore in years. Made it all the better.

And this picture of Wil eating is smore kind of looks like I caught him off gaurd, doesn't it? My poor kids, mommy is definately not winning any awards for photography. It makes for very interesting scrapbooking, though.
Did I mention that I love fall? It is so nice being pregnant minus the humid summer.

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