Sunday, June 17, 2007

Quote Of The Day

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.- Albert Einstein, physicist

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wild Thing

David wanted to style Wil's hair a couuple of Sunday's ago for Worship Service. It grew on me after awhile. It definetly fits his spunky personality.


Kelly with his team trophy


Kelly shaking coach's hand after the big game.

Friday, June 8, 2007

He Hit a Homerun!

Last night was the last game of the season, and my 8 year-old son hit a homerun! It was amazing. The great thing is- I prayed that he would get a good hit after he swung the first time and missed. Then, he had his best hit yet. I am so proud of my baby. (I will post an "after the game" picture this weekend).

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Confession and Repentance

So, I have a confession to make. Today I found myself wanting to be anywhere but right where God has placed me. Two out of four of my beautiful children where whining- a third was throwing a tantrum because I was torturing him with a visit to the playground. Then, the fourth (we are using numbers for anonymity here) began to tear up over not having what he wanted exactly when he wanted it. I found my self back home with the little guy still having a fit. I put him down for a nap and the I started to cry. But what am I telling God when I am upset over the very thing He has placed before me? I was basically telling him that what he has planned isn't good enough. So, here I am at the repentence part of the story. I am so sorry for not loving my babies. I want to start the whole thing over. How many opportunities did I miss this afternoon to show them love?

Quote for The Day

You can do no great things, just small things with great love. Mother Theresa

Saturday, June 2, 2007