Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hot Toy 2012 Battle Tracker

Just in time for Christmas, win a Battle Tracker for your little guy! Grace at Blessed Elements is giving not one, but two of these cool toys away to two lucky readers.  Enter here today, and I hope you have a blessed Christmas.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Get Money Saving Mom's Celebrating & Savoring a Simple Christmas ebook for just $0.99!

I have been a huge fan of the Money Saving Mom blog for years.  She has great meal ideas and her free printables are some of my favorite.  Especially her pretty shopping list.  So, I am happy to recommend her newest book, Celebrating & Savoring a Simple Christmas

Would you like to slow down and enjoy the Christmas season? Would you like to do less and savor more? Then this ebook is for you.

 Here is a quote from one reader:

 "Crystal Paine’s latest ebook is a godsend for me and my family. It came just at the moment I thought my head might spin right off of my body from the overwhelming since of stress that is the upcoming holiday season. Reading her book made me take a step back, reevaluate what is important and what is unnecessary. All the extravagant decorating and overabundance of gifts means nothing if I am too overwhelmed to enjoy any of it. Starting my planning and budgeting for everything Christmas related has taken a huge weight off my shoulders! Thanks again for a great useful read MSM! –Cassie W."

 It’s packed with lots of ideas, links, resources, and practical stuff. Basically it's about the heart of Christmas. Enjoying and celebrating and giving!

 Here’s a bit from the introduction:

 "I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I don’t start any Christmas preparations until after December 1. Seriously. That might sound odd coming from a person who usually is a pretty meticulous planner and to-do list maker. However, I’ve found that waiting until December to start Christmas preparations helps me to keep things simple. And keeping things simple is one of the most important things to me about Christmas. If I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off and feeling completely overwhelmed and stressed, it’s not worth it to me. I’d rather keep it simple, do less, and have time to really enjoy the Christmas season and all that it entails."

If you are interested in ordering this ebook from Amazon or finding out more, please go to Money Saving Mom's website here for more information.