Sunday, May 20, 2007

What We Do On Sundays

Today I made Chicken Marsalas (or as I call it, Chicken Winton Marsalis) for Sunday Dinner. It was fun to try a new dish on Sunday for a change. I usually reserve experiments for Weekdays. David and I ate until we could eat no more and the kids enjoyed some ginger ale and pop (or coke, as they say hear in the south). I look foward to making Winton for dinner again very soon, as David has always been a big fan (of the chicken and the trumpet) .


Jonesey said...

Love it, love it, love it!

I like the pictures and the cards :)

You guys look GREAT! Hey, Lord-willing, we'll see you next week!

Shelly said...

Thanks:) We are so excited to see the Joneses.